As we all know minimalist home is the concept of a simple home with limited land, hence the use of the corner of an empty space is a thing to be noticed, as well as the minimalist two story or multi level, there is an interesting tips on optimizing spatial occupancy types this is utilizing the steps of the house, is there any that can be utilized from ladder home? staircases other than a means of up and down but the empty side contained in the bottom of the stairs can be utilized for certain things that can be useful and one of them is as a cupboard under the stairs.
cupboard under the stairs storage ideas |
As a storage cupboard under the stairs also has a model and a unique design so that in addition to having to function as a storage container of goods can also be made ornament which can certainly beautify the interior of the house, to be able to create or choose a cupboard under the stairs more harmonious, you have to adapt to the design of stairs your home so that it fits better also avoid loopholes that could make as a source of dirt from the dust that would be more difficult to clean. To be able to inspire you I will give some examples of models cupboard under the stairs pretty enough that you can probably apply or apply to your dwelling, the following are some examples :
cupboard under the stairs ideas |
You can also utilize the empty space under the stairs as a bookcase or your place of work as shown above and the results more simple and practical, in other countries there are many who take advantage of the empty space under the stairs is a room small child or other places that would be useful.
ideas for under stairs cupboard |
Cupboard under the stairs was not quite popular in our country, therefore, not many people use it as an alternate means of storage, it is very difficult if you want to choose a cupboard under the stairs that corresponds to the design of the stairs we, therefore I would recommend it for consultation to a person skilled in making furniture home so the result is more fitting and nice.